© Linetop Ltd 2021
This page shows examples of visitor counters inside buildings. Generally visitors will be counted both entering and leaving
through a doorway. If there is more than one external door then all their counts can be added and halved to calculate the total
building footfall since everyone is counted twice somewhere. Sometimes internal doors are also monitored to determine the
relative attractiveness of various areas like exhibits or a cafe. Some buildings have office PCs running all day, e.g. a Tourist
Information Centre (TIC) may provide a hotel room booking service which needs a PC to be on. In such cases it is possible to
transmit sensor data wirelessly into the nearest PC which saves it to a network drive making it immediately accessible to
colleagues. In other cases, without a PC, the data is stored in a data logger memory cube to be downloaded occasionally as is
done with outdoors counters. The banner photo shows an external door that unfortunately swings inwards only. The break-beam
sensor here was therefore fitted in the gaps between the glass door and the wooden shutters and linked to a local PC by cable.
Countryside centre
The Forestry Commission, Local
Authorities and National Parks often
run visitor centres. Counting cars is an
obvious approach, but not everyone
arriving at the site will make use of the
building while others may use it more
than once during their visit.
Doors that open outwards, as in the
photo above, and sliding doors both
suit a break-beam’sensor placed close
by on the inside walls. Sometimes a
lobby area between outer and inner
doors can be spanned by an optical
beam. Security is rarely an issue
since typical buildings are supervised
during the day and locked by night.
Unstaffed exhibition or
bird-hide style building
Security is then more of an issue, so
covertness is often important. When
the door opens inwards, as in the
photo above, then an optical or body
heat sensor built into the door frame
externally may be practical. The wiring
comes back indoors into a secure or
hidden data logger box (yellow arrow).
It will improve accuracy if the door is
propped open during business hours
so as to make people traffic more fluid.
But it will still work even if people have
to push the door to enter provided that
the sensor is so close to the door and
in the plane of the door that it does not
see people while approaching it.
Museum and gallery
Variety amongst external doors is
immense so each door needs to be
considered a special case. The photo
shows a glass-sided semi-circular
doorway where the sensor spans the
semi-circular part, but not the double
doors which unhelpfully swing inwards.
Rotating doors are even more of a
challenge - clearly a break-beam
where people exit the ‘roundabout’ will
work, but we have also used pressure
sensor mats too inside such doors.
Automatic doors are operated with
optical sensors (sometimes radar) and
care is needed so that the door and
counter sensors do not interfere.
Public libraries and TICs
Book loan data can be useful, but not
all library users borrow a book. They
might return some, they might borrow
several books, read a newspaper or
use the internet, and the book data
might not be amenable to analysis by
date, weekday, hour of day, trends,
patterns etc, unlike logger data is.
Libraries and Tourist Information
Centres (TICs) are similar to
countryside centres when devising
visitor counters at their main doors.
Automatic doors opening outwards are
a blessing as an optical sensor can be
positioned inside the building, ideally
very close to the door frame.
Retail and cafe areas
The front door is frequently the main
target but one might also want to track
visitor movements within inner areas.
Till sales data is useful too, and more
so the ‘conversion ratio’ of shop
footfall to sales transactions along with
the average spend per visitor and the
trends for both of these metrics.
If the shop is at a countryside visitor
centre then clearly the ratio of the car
arrivals to shop footfall is a key metric.
Muliply cars by 2 to get a passenger
estimate. At historic monuments, the
shop is where visitors go on to buy a
ticket - or perhaps not. Thus the shop
footfall to ticket sale ratio is of interest.
Public toilets
Toilets in the countryside are often of
interest to Local Authorities and to the
National Parks which fund them. A
survey by one rural council found that
usage varied from a dozen people per
week in a tiny village to thousands in a
touristic town near to a railway station
and shops. Their aim was shut a third
of them and upgrade facilities at the
surviving sites. They also started
charging 20p on the basis of their
visitor counter results at their busiest
site, photo above, which pays for an
attendant during the summer months.
The usual sensor approach is a body
heat sensor in a box fixed above a
door lintel provided that the door does
not swing directly underneath it.